Capes & Scowls West Issue 18.5

Hey there everyone! Capes & Scowls West is flying in for our 18th review issue! we’ve got so much in the way of reviews and so little time. Join your favorite nerdy podcast hosts Nat, Kat, and Pat as we talk the best and worst comics in the past few weeks.
Spoiler alert for the episode though: there were a LOT of disapointing comics this round. Usually we are super psyched about everything we’ve been reading, but for some reason, these past two weeks have been full of disappointments ranging from “meh” to “unbelievably, frustratingly terrible.” So sorry for the negativity, or if that’s your thing, then you’re in for a special treat!
Unfortunatley, we are still having technical difficulties with our video recording hard/software, so there is still no video recording of the episode, but that doesn’t make the podcast any less fun and interesting!