Reviews are in Baby! – C&S West Issue #25.5

Hey there loyal listeners, and, well, all listeners in general we’re back with a new reviews episode! We don’t have as many comic reviews as we normally do. But we do have some reviews of other kinds of books.
Though most our reviews are positive, we do have a couple pretty scathing ones scattered throughout. Don’t worry however, it’s all still informative stuff!
Speaking of informative stuff, hosts Nat and Kat have a couple longer reviews for us. Nat reviews the two-part graphic novel series Batman: Dark Prince Charming, a batman story by Italian artist Enrico Marini. Kat reviews for us the newest installment in the Twisted Tales novelseries. The series features more mature and gritty “what if” twists on classic Disney tales by Liz Braswell. The latest installment, Part of Your World, is a tale of Ariel five years after the events of The Little Mermaid.
So loyal and otherwise fans, tune in to this exciting episode of Capes & Scowls West!