Capes & Scowls West 12/21 Reviews – Batman Damned #2, Goddess Mode #1, Klaus #1

Klaus and the Crying Snowman
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Hello Everyone and welcome to another exciting reviews episode with Capes & Scowls West. And not only it it another exciting episode, but it’s our last regular episode of the year! Oh yeah, 2018 is winding down and 2019 is almost here. Regardless of the calendar dates, we still have an obligation to bring you the finest in nerd content. In our final episode of the year, we break down Batman Dmaned #2, Goddess Mode #1 and Klaus and the Crying Snowman #1.

We tried to at least include ONE Christmas themes comic into our December reviews, so YOUR WELCOME!! Beyond that, we have TWO amazing Year-in-Review episodes coming your way soon. For now, it’s only the best and worst in the past few weeks, but in the next two episodes, we’ll tackle the best/worst of the entire year! Stick around, and keep the dial tuned to Capes & Scowls West!