Capes & Scowls West Episode #36 – Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel
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Hello Nerd World and all who inhabit it! We’re the No. 1 podcast about all things nerd/geek related in pop culture to date (so we know). And we’re back after a long Holiday Hiatus with a bunch of end of year content. This week we have a lot of Marvel stuff to talk about. As I’m sure you know, the trailers for Avengers: Endgame and Captain Marvel dropped. You can bet that we’ve got a bit to say about it…

In the excitement of this massively marvelous managerie of trailers, we take some time to talk our favorite Marvel flicks. We take a minute to talk about our respective favorites of the franchise on top of our normal news. We run down our favorite Marvel movies of all time in anticipation for the upcoming films.

As always, we hoe you’re as excited as we are for another extravogant episode of Capes & Scowls West!!