Capes & Scowls West Episode #42 – The Meaning of LIfe, the Universe and Everything

Live Action Disney
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Welcome, Welcome to another exciting episode of Capes & Scowls West! We’re back from our hiatus with a bunch of great content. And coincidently it is Episode #42 – the meaning of life, the universe and everything! This episode we’ve got a ton of news to get through, Including the reinstatement of James Gunn. And to wrap up, we will all pitch OUR ideas for what Disney should adapt into live action films. We always complain about Disney’s live actions, so we want to be positive!

In other News we have guest host Alex joing Nat and Pat while Kat is out of town. So for all of you Kat fans out there, don’t dispair! Alex is a comics nerd through and throgh. And as #42 and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy suggest: Don’t Panic!