Scowlin’ Mad with Tim Review #4, Brobots Vol. 2: The Mecha Malarkey



Scowlin’ Mad with Tim

Review #4
Brobots Vol. 2: : The Mecha Malarkey August 2017
Writer: J. Torres
Artist: Sean K. Dove
Cover: Sean K. Dove
Oni Press


Brobots is an all-ages romp through the adventures of three robots (that are bros of course) as they attempt to have a picnic in the woods. When the Brobots end up without food, they find themselves in a mashup of Nursery Rhymes and Voltron style monster fights. The book is perfect for kids, never being too violent or too cutesy. Torres has a knack for writing that is geared to a teen or younger audience. The art by Dove is very bubbly and fun. As a 34 year old man I was not the target demographic for this book and yet I was able to read it all from cover to cover and find something to enjoy in it. I especially liked the Ninja Bread Men. Sure, I could do without the word “Bro” in front of every other word…probably the same way my dad didn’t care to hear “Cowabunga” from four talking turtles so much when I was little. The point is that the book does what it sets out to do, entertain a younger audience. I recommend the book for any child 12 or younger and would say skip it otherwise. Unless of course you love all things cute and colored brightly. This felt like a Steven Universe for younger kids. That isn’t such a bad thing to be.  BroBots Vol.2 is in stores 8/9/17

If you want to check out J. Torres he is @Jtorrescomics on Twitter.

Sean Dove is @andthankyou on Twitter