Minisode 73, “Yellow Cape”

Minisode 73, “Yellow Cape” Paul from Team Ashen swings by to talk fun topics like racism and death threats. We also talk actual fun things like comics, cosplay, cartoons and wrestles!
Continue reading »The World's Greatest Comic Book Podcast…So Far!
Minisode 73, “Yellow Cape” Paul from Team Ashen swings by to talk fun topics like racism and death threats. We also talk actual fun things like comics, cosplay, cartoons and wrestles!
Continue reading »Minisode 72, “That Minisode With Paul That Tim Edited While Drunk.” Paul from Team Ashen stops by to have a weird conversation with Tim, which is most of the conversations they have. We talk life on the road, the highways, Savage Garden and more. How can you resist? Don’t resist. Embrace! Like with a hug….just hug Paul. He […]
Continue reading »Cat Staggs Interview, Awesome Con 2019 Normally Tim doesn’t believe in having a plan of attack when choosing who he wants to interview at conventions. At this past Awesome Con he had one goal however, “tell Cat Staggs how great her art was on Crosswind”. And so he did and the two had a brief chat about horror movies, […]
Continue reading »David F. Walker Interview, Awesome Con 2019 Tim caught up with comic scribe David F. Walker at Awesome Con! The man can write anything. You should know him from Cyborg, Bitter Root, and Naomi just to name a few. Enjoy a quick, fun chat with one of the strongest writers in comics today!
Continue reading »Jonny Mangini Interview, Awesome Con 2019 While Tim was at Awesome Con 2019 he ran into trading card artist extraordinaire Jonny Mangini! If you haven’t seen his trading card artwork for Cryptozoic or Upper Deck you need to change that. A fun guy who loves his craft, metal, 90’s hip hop and more. Enjoy and make sure you let […]
Continue reading »Tim was at AwesomeCon 2019 and caught up with Red Stylo mastermind Enrica Jang! She is a talented writer, business woman, and inspiration so pay attention!
Continue reading »Tim interviews David Pepose about the upcoming Spencer & Locke 2, marriage, Action Lab, and making comics for everyone. David is a very down-to-Earth guy who you should seek out at cons and read his prior works!
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